Saturday, September 26, 2009


We have all heard WWJD (What Would Jesus Do)and it is true we should ask ourselves WWJD.We should also do what Jesus would do.Sometimes it is hard,but we should still try.and sometimes we need to ask ourselves wwyd ( what would you do)what would you do if you are doing something you shouldn't like drinking something you shouldn't,or looking at something you shouldn't.what would you do if Jesus came back while we are doing things we shouldn't be doing,what would we thing is for sure we are not going to lie to The King Of Kings.what i am trying to say is be careful because the devil is sneaky he can make things seem right that aren't.Keep your eyes on Jesus ,tell the devil to get behind you.don't let him in front so he can block your view of Jesus ,put him in his place.and live your life for God.Keep the faith. God Bless

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