Saturday, October 3, 2009


Did you know if you are saved that the devil goes before God and accuses us?The devil tells God all of our faults.We need to have such a close walk with God, that when satan does this that God can say to him have you considered my servant(your name here),just like Job.It would be awesome to be that close to God and we can be.Job was upright before God,just look at what all he went through and still he kept the faith and continued to serve God.Today we are so weak as christians that we are looking for excuses to stop serving God or even going out to His house.Not going through a drop in the bucket of what Job did,like if it looks like rain.I think i will stay home because I might get wet and if I get wet it will make me sick,but if it is something we want to do it is different,i can almost guarantee you if we wanted to go to the walmart,rain or maybe even a snowstorm wouldn't stop us.What i am saying we can't pick and choose what we do for God,we have to be led by Him and do what he says regardless of weather ,or we want to ,or feel like it.The Bible says obedience is better than we need to obey God.and stop with all the excuses.Everybody has them(excuses)but think about it why is there any sense in giving excuses to man,when God knows what the intents of our heart is and if we can do what we need to be doing or not.God has heard them all,but there are times that we really can't,then there are times we can and just don't.Do you think that God would have told satan to consider Job if he was like us?Let's try to serve God and get in the position in our life that God can use us and be proud of us,just like Job. God Bless

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