Tuesday, September 9, 2008

we often wonder why the world is in the shape that it is in today.i think it is because we as a christian people expect God to do everything which he can,but we are left here on this world to do a work ,if not when we got saved he would call us out.we need to tell the lost people about Jesus, and go out and invite them to church,wich is kind of hard to do when we as christians don't even make an effort to go to church ourselves.just because we are saved we shouldn't just get in a routine of going to church just because thats what we are used to doing, and just talk about or worship Jesus when we are in church.The Bible says to pick up our cross and follow him daily not just at church service.i know people get sick and sometimes we just can't make it to church everytime,but sometimes we look for a reason not to make it when we really could.we need to remember how we were when we first got saved i know myself i wanted to be in church everytime the doors were open and learn everything i could about God.well God doesn't change we do and you get out of the services what you want.i for one want everything i can get .get involved in your chuch and be a willing vessel and you might be surprised what you can do for God.so remember don't be a try baby be a do baby

1 comment:

Johnathan Monhollen said...

Great words of encouragement Billy. Keep up the outstanding work.