Sunday, September 21, 2008

watch and pray

wake up ,watch and pray is what i heard about today.we don't know when the Lord will return for us,but i believe it will be let us watch and pray,but first we need to wake up.i believe the only thing stopping Jesus from returning is he is just waiting on God to say go get my children.with all the stuff happening today his return is even closer than it was one second have probably heard that Jesus is coming soon all of our lives,but his soon is not the same as our soon.athousand years could be as one day or one day a thousand years.people don't stop to think wether Jesus returns soon or not that when we die that is our end of time if we are not saved then we will bein eternal torment with no way out becuse then it is to late to pray.every knee is going to bow and every tounge is going to confess wouldn't you rather do it on this side of life.i am looking for his return anytime it could happen before i finish this blog.i hope for the sinners sake that he tarries a little longer i don't know how long we have but i believe his return is upon us ,so we as christians need to tell everybody we can to watch and get ready.hell is not a place you would want your worst enemy to go.the Lord touched me at church tonight and i just want to say i love the Lord and am not ashamed to say please lets get out there and do everything we can for God and try to get the lost people saved. God bless

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