Thursday, September 18, 2008

the spirit is willing ,but the flesh is weak i find myself in this situation as of late.i have been sick the past couple of days and would really appreciate your prayers.but as i often say God made us surely he can fix us and he can if it be his will.if you have something like a car for example and it tore upif you could take it to the guy that built it you would because you know if he made it he would know more about it than anybody else.look at ourself like being a car we can go to God to fix not only our bodies but also our soul,and with God you don't need any warranty beacause if he fixes us then we are as good as if we were a brand new car just being pulled off the kind of seems silly i guess comparing ourself to a car,but on the other hand if you give some people an example of things we seem to understand it better.please pray for my health, and we will be starting youth services at gilliam chapel baptist church on tuesday the 23rd and i want to do the best job i can for God.i beleive that we need to reach out to our youth and give them another alternative to what the world has to offer.if we don't reach out to them as christians then i guarantee you the devil will ,so please keep us in your prayers that we may do the will of the Father. God bless

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