Monday, August 10, 2009

Youth Lock In

we had our youth lock in this past Friday night.we had a blast we are kind of a small youth but that is alright God is blessing is starting to pickup on attendance.we had a lesson, then food and games pretty much all night.we had fun.god has given me a burden for our youth because they are tomorrows church if the Lord tarries on his return.a lot of people don't want to be bothered with children but i feel this is one of my callings in God's ministry.we have a great bunch of kids and everyone participated in the activities in one way or a lot of youth groups and even churches you have what i call cliques or groups of people you only want around,but i thank God that our youth is not like that,when i went to youth when i was younger we had a saying (the spirit of unity)if you are around our kids you can see that they really do have a spirit of unity.i want to thank all those that donated, helped out ,and brought their kids to the lock in it was truly a blessing.most of all i want to thank God for allowing me to have the position that i am in and for every child i get to teach his word it is one thing to have them just sit there and listen,but when you see them lift their small hands up and start praising God it is just awesome . keep praying for our youth ministry and for not only our kids .but for the children all over the world .thank you God Bless

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