Monday, August 24, 2009

God knows

God knows the intents of our heart.He knows when we do things we shouldn't .sometimes in our christian life we slip up and do things or say things we shouldn't but we are not perfect ,but we are forgiven if we ask.we don't need to dwell on our past or mistakes we make.we need to ask forgiveness and move on and be a witness for Jesus.lost people and sometimes even christians are watching and waiting for us to mess up.we need to be careful because we are all the bible some people are ever going to read .i mean how we live our lives we should strive for perfection eventhough on this side of life we will never be perfect.i think it's time we get serious in our walk with God and be serious,people are dying lost everyday ask yourself have i witnessed to anybody today.God has been so good to us don't you want other people to feel the joy and peace we feel as christians,in this life if yuo are a sinner you are afraid to die and if you admit it or not you are miserable.if you are saved you are not afraid to die because we have heaven to gain,what i am trying to say is let's stop playing around this is serious times the end is closer now than it has ever been,let's stop playing church and be about the Fathers business and finally ler's all get a burden for the lost and go out and tell them about Jesus God bless

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