Sunday, August 30, 2009

Can You Hear It ?

Can you hear it?it is a still small voice inside telling you what you need to do .have you ever heard it ,like when you go to church and you hear it telling you come to is the Holy Spirit calling you.we need to listen when God talks to us.has someone ever been talking to you and you are not really paying attention or only hear half of what they say.we don't need to be that way with God ,because ignoring God can really get us in trouble.if we take the time and really listen he will tell us things that are for our own know it is one thing just typing on here ,but when you see God working and doing things in your life it is amazing.and when you feel like you are at the end of your rope don't let go and give up just tie a knot in the end of it and hang on because God will save you . God bless

Monday, August 24, 2009

God knows

God knows the intents of our heart.He knows when we do things we shouldn't .sometimes in our christian life we slip up and do things or say things we shouldn't but we are not perfect ,but we are forgiven if we ask.we don't need to dwell on our past or mistakes we make.we need to ask forgiveness and move on and be a witness for Jesus.lost people and sometimes even christians are watching and waiting for us to mess up.we need to be careful because we are all the bible some people are ever going to read .i mean how we live our lives we should strive for perfection eventhough on this side of life we will never be perfect.i think it's time we get serious in our walk with God and be serious,people are dying lost everyday ask yourself have i witnessed to anybody today.God has been so good to us don't you want other people to feel the joy and peace we feel as christians,in this life if yuo are a sinner you are afraid to die and if you admit it or not you are miserable.if you are saved you are not afraid to die because we have heaven to gain,what i am trying to say is let's stop playing around this is serious times the end is closer now than it has ever been,let's stop playing church and be about the Fathers business and finally ler's all get a burden for the lost and go out and tell them about Jesus God bless

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Just Suppose

just think for a minute how we are as Christians.christian means to be Christ like,but how many of us are doing our job.are we really being like Jesus.when you go to church ,inside the church it is easy living the life and talking the's when we go out into the world is when all the problems start.we read in the bible all the examples that Jesus left for us to follow, not only Jesus ,but there are all kinds of people that were written just suppose that the bible was still being wrote today what kind of reading would it be about if it were our lives that were being wrote about to give others an example.would it be when i am in church i shout the house down, or i only go to church every once in a while to convince people i am serving the way i should.there are a lot of reasons we can use but all they are is excuses.even though the bible is already written everyday of our live is like an open book how we walk with God.sometimes we can fool people ,but we can't fool God he reads us like a book let's try our best to set an example like the people of old and try to lead others to Jesus. God bless

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Our church will be in homecoming this is a time i look forward to we have visiting preachers and food and fellowship.but this is nothing compared to the homecoming we that are saved are going to have someday.can you imagine living with Jesus for eternity.and the gold that we consider so precious on this earth up in heaven is just something we will walk on because the streets will be gold up there.i am not getting use to this place because this world is not my home i am just passing through for one day i will go to my Father's house and that will be a true homecoming. God bless

Monday, August 10, 2009

Youth Lock In

we had our youth lock in this past Friday night.we had a blast we are kind of a small youth but that is alright God is blessing is starting to pickup on attendance.we had a lesson, then food and games pretty much all night.we had fun.god has given me a burden for our youth because they are tomorrows church if the Lord tarries on his return.a lot of people don't want to be bothered with children but i feel this is one of my callings in God's ministry.we have a great bunch of kids and everyone participated in the activities in one way or a lot of youth groups and even churches you have what i call cliques or groups of people you only want around,but i thank God that our youth is not like that,when i went to youth when i was younger we had a saying (the spirit of unity)if you are around our kids you can see that they really do have a spirit of unity.i want to thank all those that donated, helped out ,and brought their kids to the lock in it was truly a blessing.most of all i want to thank God for allowing me to have the position that i am in and for every child i get to teach his word it is one thing to have them just sit there and listen,but when you see them lift their small hands up and start praising God it is just awesome . keep praying for our youth ministry and for not only our kids .but for the children all over the world .thank you God Bless

Are you ready?

These are troubling and depressing times as i sit here just thinking about how the world is.but i am not depressed but i am troubled kind of because some of my loved ones are lost without Jesus.I know it can"t be long until my savior comes and gets me,you to if you are may get tired of hearing it ,but it is true.don't consider getting saved just because he is returning or you are afraid of dying give your heart to God so you can's not an easy life but living a sinful life is not either when you are saved you have benefits that are greater than any you could get from the world.number one we are going to get to go to heaven and see our Lord.two if we are God's children just like we that are parents want to give our children things ,God wants to give us things to and theses are his blessings.if we will trust in God and have the faith he will take care of us.i don't get use to living here with all the troubles because this world is not my home and all these things will pass away someday but when we go to be with Jesus all those things are eternal,please don't wait to late to pray.don't wait for a death bed confession, or when something bad happens to pray because we don't have the promise that we will die that way ,or have time and God's spirit may not be dealing with us.i have a sticker that reads those who wait to pray in the eleventh hour sometimes die at 10:30.wont you try Jesus what have you got to lose every body sees the shape the world is in .try Jesus you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. God Bless