Saturday, November 21, 2009


Sometimes in this life we look at other people and say ,if i was them i would do things like this or do things this way.or you should do is easy to sit and judge somebody about things especially if we have not been through it our self.For example telling somebody how to raise their kids ,when you don't have any yourself.We were all sinners .Sin is sin,one sin is just as bad as the other.So,before we judge people we should sometimes look back at what God has brought us from.And sometimes i just get so sick of being sick .I long to go home.Buy sometimes like the preacher said tonight we have to go through things for others,maybe it is not for our self all the time.Sometimes we get s sick and in so much pain in this body that we think we can't go on,the thing to remember is for those who are saved is one day we will have a glorified body with no more sickness or pain until then please keep me in your prayers. God Bless

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