Wednesday, April 1, 2009

here we are about to go into revival and i have to say i feel pretty good about it. i for one need it ,but we don't have to wait for revival to be revived all we have to do is ask God and mean it and he will stir our hearts.if we as Christians would get on fire for God the way we should be we could change the world.if everyone that said they are Christians would obey God we could do anything.with twelve men Jesus turned the world upside might think that well his disciples had Jesus with them and all the people saw all of his miracles and things.the bible says God is no respect of persons,and God is the same yesterday today and forever which means he does not change . if he done it for them he will do it for us today if we would just believe and trust i pray if you are reading this and are lost that you will accept Jesus into your heart before it is to please come out and support the revival and bring somebody with you God bless

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