Saturday, February 14, 2009

doing what we are supposed to

sometimes in our christian life we want to stray off to the side of the road for a bit and not listen to what God is telling other words we are just flat out disobeying God.all throughout the bible we read about people that disobey God and some of them pay for it dearly like samson , Jonah, adam and eve just to name a few.the bible says God is no respect of persons and that means he will not do for one person that he would not do for another so will we be punished for disobedience you better believe it it is time to get serious with God before it is to late.and again God is no respect of persons and there are many examples of the faithful and obedient in the bible and they were greatly blessed .what i am asking you is would you rather be punished or blessed the choice is ours.and you may think God loves me and wouldn't punish me because i am his child,well all the other people in the bible were still his children to but were punished because of disobedience and again God is no respect of persons.we must choose this day whom we will serve and which way we are going to walk in our daily lives,so if you haven't been listening to God try listening for a change and you will see that his blessings are much better than his punishment God bless