Sunday, October 26, 2008

God is amazing

i sit here in amazement of how my God works in my life,you hear that God will provide and he will ,but when he meets a need in my life i still just get this feeling of knowing how truly awesome God is..we had a puppet show at our church tonight and i just want everyone on the puppet team to know what a great job they are doing to help get the word of God out there.we also had (and this is the greatest) two people gave their hearts to Jesus tonight .being a christianm it isn't about being down all the time i had a great time in church tonight and somehow felt a burden lifted from church this morning we were asked do we pray like we should or read the Bible like we should and to answer these questions truthfully i have to admit that i haven't been.but i want to be a better christian and this is how we can be ,pray more and read the word more.i don't want to just call on the lord when things get tough i want to talk with him all the time,i want him to not only be my Lord and savior ,but my best friend.remember if we are spending our time doing things for God then we won't be doing things for the devil so remember to pray more and read more and get a stronger relationship with God i know i am God bless

Saturday, October 18, 2008

the road

in this life if we are not careful we will look to the side and wander off the path.the pathway to heaven is straight and narrow and the road to hell is broad and leads to if we keep our eyes on Jesus and focus on him and go straight ahead (if we are going straight there is no need to turn or go to the side)and put our trust in him whole heartedly he will provide our this world today with everything thats going on who else can you trust in.i'm not saying you will get everything you want ,but what you need i don't believe it is long until Jesus will return and i want to be found going straight if God would have wanted us to turn off the straight and narrow we would have signal lights.if you don't know Jesus then you are on the broad road to destruction and this road is broad which means you have plenty of room to turn around.if you are reading this and you are lost please turn of that broad road and turn to Jesus the straight and narrow road before it is to latehe paid for our sins thet we might be might think i've heard the end of time is coming all my life,well i have to but it is closer this very second than it has ever been and we have no promise of tommorowand if you died right now where would you spend eternity.that is the most important question you could ever ask yourself and i pray you chhose Jesus and decide that heaven will be your home. God bless

Friday, October 3, 2008


fall is here it is the most beautiful time of year i think with the leaves changing colors and all. we can tell the seasons by the leaves on the trees.are we like the leaves in our christian life just waiting on a good strong wind (or trial) in our life to be blown away and fall down.i think we should be more like the tree instead of the leaves.if we will get rooted and grounded in God the way we should be it wouldn't matter if a hurricane (or trial) would come we would still be let us just stand .stand for God and not be ashamed and take back our lives in the name of Jesus.there is a song you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything and this is true,but if you stand for Jesus you will fall for nothing and even if you do he is trher to pick you right back up .i would like for you to help me pray for a good friend of mine he has cancer and i know God can heal him if it be his will thanks and God bless.